Saturday, September 17, 2011

Ok guys.. i know i sound wierd on my title.. but Yes i am a true Gandhian.... and dont mistake me here.. this was not a self attained title.I am a gandhian not because of my virtues but becoz of that guy with the specs on my chest.
                      Still blinking about what i am mumbling?? Ok let me get u straight.. I was born way beyond ur times when ur grand grand parents have even thought about their family planning,and i am still living among u guys.I know u have never paid attention to me until its very much required,I can see the smile on ur child's cute face when u barter me for his favourite dairy milk... but then life is like that.. none of u have bothered to listen the story that i have to tell.

            Early days were wonderful for me, where life had its charm when all people lived in harmony and peace,but look around u guys!!! see how messed up u have made that wonderful life into??.I know i am a 3rd person barging into ur "Circle"of so called harmonious life! but please step outside and see!!And yet for whom are you guys doing this? Ultimate goal is to get me and my brothers so u live a comfortable life!

All i can say to the good people who are reading my story rite now is that .. unlike me who has only replica's of myself everywhere I turn around,Ur blessed with one wonderful life where relations and family are bound perfectly..,..So learn to respect those relations and values.. We all came under the same roof once before 1947 as we had a common enemy that butchered us from getting our freedom.But now its time again to rise as one to fight that invisible enemy of "GREEDINESS" that lives among your hearts...Its u people who have invented me and its SAD for me to see that the creators are working hard to get me!!Please give me a chance to serve you.Do wise investments and make me work for u !!

The crime rates have risen to a level where all unanimously avoid with a blind chant" I need a miracle from GOD to save my country"... but rise up people!! Enough of this ...
It's a question of great concern as to send ur little girl alone to a market..or be it be any place.. that fear of seeing the news of a little girl raped sets imprint on every parents mind.. Yet for what?? MOney and pleasure!
See the robberies and killings that are happening around you..Yet for what ?? Money!!
See the situation when a mother sends her child to the brothel?? Yet for what?? Money!!

By seeing all these it reminds me of the struggle that u guys had made to get freedom...It was then i said with my head high"Proud to be an Indain" But now ... times have changed, and this my friend, is the "Confession of a 10 rupee gandhian"!! 

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